Unable to scan QR code using the ZATCA VAT app

We are unable to scan the QR code returned by ZATCA Clearance API for standard tax invoices using the ZATCA VAT app. The app is unable to display the invoice information contained in the QR code. It displays a message “Thank you for scanning the QR code. QR Code information has been transmitted to ZATCA.”.
The screenshot of the result:

The same issue happens for simplified tax invoices wherein the QR code is generated using the ZATCA SDK. The app is unable to display the invoice information.

In some cases the app is unable to scan the QR or retrieve any info and hangs.
The behaviour is not consistent for all taxpayers and some invoices get scanned successfully. This happens in the latest version of the app - both iOS and Android.

We have verified the contents of the QR code and it is correct as per the specifications of ZATCA and is in the TLV format as mentioned in the documentation.
Due to this scanning issue a lot of buyers are not accepting the E-Invoice and releasing payments against the orders.
Please advise on how this issue can be resolved. @Ankit_Tiwari seeking your help on this.

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It should be solved now. If you’re still facing this issue, Kindly share the signed XML file for this invoice with ZATCA via the official channels or your RM for further investigation by the technical team.

@Sherif.Abaza still noticing the issue for a few xmls and QR codes.
Few xmls from phase 1 are not getting scanned.
We’ll be sharing this via RM as well. Please look into this at the earliest as payments are blocked due to this issue.

We are facing issues with scanning QR code for all invoices and on both Android/iPhone. After scanning the QR code we are seeing that the screen is stuck and we are unable to verify the QR code. The same we have checked with multiple taxpayers and everyone is facing same issue. Please look into the issue.

Please increase size of your QR code it is very small as displayed here in image in phase1 QR size small was fine but for phase2 you need to increase.