Using a Single PCSID for Multiple Branches with Different CRNs in E-Invoicing

A company has three branches, each with its own Commercial Registration Number (CRN), but all other details are the same, and the same software is used for invoicing. We created one PCSID and use it to sign invoices for all branches, only changing the CRN in the XML. Is this procedure correct?

During onboarding, we need to trigger the API at to submit all types of invoices and obtain the PCSID. During this process, should we include all three CRNs in the XML, or is it acceptable to use just one of them?

Dear @arjun_tech24 ,

Regarding multiple CRNs,If a business has multiple commercial registrations, the seller should include the commercial registration number in the invoice that specific to the branch for which the Tax Invoice is being issued.


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Thank you for the clarification and support.

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