Simulation portal is not accessible

Simulation portal via url is not accessible.

Hi Hemathser;

We faced an issue of not be able to reach all the three environments, early this morning.
Then we changed the DNS server, and everything now is OK!

We still face the same problem and can’t access the simulation or production .
Is there any changes we can do from our sides ?

Dears @hemanthsr , @AliAli

Both simulation & production environments are working as expected.

Can you please elaborate more of the process that you follow to access them? And in what step exactly that the failure occurs?

Providing the error message is also needed to check from our end, thanks.

Thank you for the update @Aturkistani.

I confirm that my system can access the simulation portal now.

We call the clearance API when there is a B2C invoices created. API call to clearance API failed with Hostname is unreachable.

Dear @hemanthsr,

is the response returned is 500? when such response is returned, please try to re-submit again & again till it got cleared ensuring the right structure of the API call.

Thank you,