Downtime with 404 errors and 502 errors

Dear Team,
404 errors:
We saw 404 error response for a time period of approximately 2 hours in the early hours of 31st October. 12 AM to 1:30 AM.
Due to this about 40k invoices failed.
Please let us know if we can retry these invoices directly.
The error message we received during this time period was:
response from zatca:- {“httpCode”:“404”,“httpMessage”:“Not Found”,“moreInformation”:“The requested URL was not found on this server”}.

502 error code

Also we receive 502-bad gateway error for some time every day.
Specifically on 26th October we saw 1400 invoices failed due to this.
On a regular day we see 80-100 instances of 502 error.
Please let us know how to treat them and can we configure retries for these invoices without any modifications to invoice data or do we need to change the UUID, ICV and PIH?
@kiaziz @Ankit_Tiwari please provide your inputs.

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Dear ZATCA team we have seen further downtime or 404 errors on 5th, 7th and 8th November. Please advise on what should be the SOP that should be followed in such scenarios.