Where do i get the PCSID?


my EGS will be reporting B2B only. and we already uploaded 6 standard invoices of each type. but yet could not get the PCSID.

“compliance_request_id”: “1234567890123”

what id will i be using in this request?

Dear @NawafAlsubaie

Thanks for reaching out,

To provide comprehensive support as usual, Can I kindly ask you to mention all the exact steps that you followed?

Note: If your device issuing only B2B invoices no need to send 6 samples, only 3 samples (Standard Invoice, Standard Debit, and Standard Credit).

Ibrahem Daoud.

Hello @idaoud,

Basically we generated the CSR successfully, then Complied with the CSID API.

Afterwards, we issued the request id alongside its binarySecurityToken and secret.

We uploaded successfully a sample standard invoices of each time using the basic auth from the previous API.

Do we use the same request id we issued alongside the basic auth to comply with the PCSID?