Now i was able to clear my standard invoices for complinance checks .
However , when i try to request PCSID , i get this message :
{"code":"Missing-ComplianceSteps","message":"The compliance certificate is not done with the following compliance steps yet [standard-credit-note-compliant,standard-debit-note-compliant,simplified-compliant,simplified-credit-note-compliant,simplified-debit-note-compliant]"}
Production CSID request failed with status code: BadRequest
I have 2 questions :
1- why i’m being ask to submit simplified invoices while i submit the code 1100 on the CSR request file for invoiceType .
2- how many invoices i should submit before i pass the compliance checks .
when u request a CSID from your CSR request … you will receive a certificate … On-Boarding …with …(CN=eInvoicing)
So using this CSID … you need to send (6 invoices …as u mentioned …1100 3 types of Standards + 3 types of Simplified)
if it approved …you will request for another CSID …so you will get Final CSID ( CN=PEZEINVOICESCA4-CA, DC=extgazt, DC=gov, DC=local) whitch you will used in your continuos send simulation test
based on the invoice type in your configuration file if it’s 0100 that’s mean you will only send a simplified invoice, if it’s 1000 only for standard invoices and if it is 1100 you will send both standard and simplified.
i did all the compliance checks . but now i’m getting another error when trying to get the PCSID :
Sending request for Production CSID...
Response Status Code: BadRequest
API Response Body:
{"errorCode":"400","errorCategory":"Invalid-CSR","errorMessage":"The provided Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is invalid."}
Production CSID request failed with status code: BadRequest
1- Prepare you Config file
2- Create your Keys (Private key, Public Key)
3- Create you CSR
4- Take taxpayer OTP (VALID FOR 1 Hour) from ZATCA
5- To Obtain a test Compliance Cryptographic Stamp Identifier (CCSID) and test Request ID
Send a request (csr base64 encoded + OTP)
6- you must receive a Response by Code 200 & response body includes your CCSID
7- using this CCSID
send 3 Or 6 Invoices for Approval
'1 Standard invoice.
'2 Standard debit note.
'3 Standard credit note.
8- You must receive responseCode = 200 for these invoices
9- If Approved these sample invoices … send a request for a final production CCSID
10- you must receive a Response by Code 200 & response body includes your CCSID
Note that these steps (for simulation and the same steps to be repeated for the core CCSID production))
will you give me one nice format where you done it, I am getting no error or warning when i doing compliance in simulation but when i try to get pcsid, it showing simplified debit not has been done compliance