XML and QR code Issue

  • In Prepaid amount while scanning the QR code Invoice total (with VAT ) we receive payable amount which is correct. In VAT total we should receive the payable tax amount instead of that we receive overall tax amount which is confusion. Kindly refer the below screen shot of xml and QR code and Please clarify the same.

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Dear @Jenifer

Thank you for reaching out, and welcome to our community.

Kindly make sure that there is no incorrect XML Tags, XML might have incorrect tags or values associated with VAT, leading to confusion during QR code generation. Ensuring that the XML structure aligns with the standards provided by ZATCA. double-check the tags used for the VAT amount and ensure that the correct value (payable tax amount) is being encoded in the QR code.

If you still have issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out with our support team via email:

SP email: sp_support@zatca.gov.sa
