If I’ve sent an invoice with an incorrect ICV (Invoice Control Value) or missed the sequence of the ICV, what should I do?
Dear @Andrewmilad7,
Regarding your query, there are no limitations on the sequence of submitting invoices to ZATCA, it can be uploaded on any order as long they are generated in a sequence.
Ex: taxpayer generated invoice (1,2,3) as a sequence, then they can submit it as invoice(3,2,1), or any other order, sequence validation is bend held at the backend and not upfront.
if this is your scenario, then nothing is required from your end.
Dear team & @Ankit_Tiwari,
Due to crash in system and reinstallation of system by mistakenly Invoice counter value (ICV) from 1 to 6 is provided in Invoices, ICV from 1 to 6 has already been used previously, where as correct sequence for ICV is different, Do any corrective action are required or ICV can be same for 2 different invoices ?