WARNING Time on QR Code does not match with Invoice Issue Time (KSA-25)

I start receiving a warning message for simplified invoice ? how can been solved.

[{“type”:“WARNING”,“code”:“invoiceTimeStamp_QRCODE_INVALID”,“category”:“QRCODE_VALIDATION”,“message”:“Time on QR Code does not match with Invoice Issue Time (KSA-25). If ZATCA’s SDK was used to generate QR Code, kindly use the latest version of SDK”,“status”:“WARNING”}],“errorMessages”:,“status”:“WARNING”}

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Please check that reporting issue datetime in QR code and in XML having the same timezone.
Meaning if you have suffix Z somewhere - it is UTC timezone, if you do not have it - it will be local timezone

We are reporting everything in UTC and I would suggest everyone do the same as it is universal and can be transformed easily to any timezone… but local timezone without indication will be transformed properly only on the machine working in the same timezone

The answer short: add suffix Z to your QR code issue_datetime and also to IssueTime field in XML. All this information is available in documentation.

Best regards,