Using the same ICV if invoice rejected

Dear all ,

Is it allowed to use the same ICV if the invoice was rejected and we wanted to submit it again ?


Hi, ICV is your record keeping of ZATCA in a sequence so if you have invoice in following sequence,

3 - Rejected

if 3 you have to resubmit as it had error then it will be with ICV 6 not 3 as 3 already you have used. thanks

salam ,
i need to ask tow question:
Q.1 if invoice 3 rejected by connection error

ICV received by zatca
then need to resubmit invoice 3 the ICV will be 6?

Q.2 what about PIH in your case (reviced by zatca and rejected)and in my case (not sent to zatca)?

Hi, if due to connection not sent to zatca and no change in xml then you can push same xml as icv 3. Let me explaine send to zatca can be in different order but your xml should have generated in ICV sequence with PIH these are to assure no gap or no missing invoice.
If you got a response from zatca means it got recorded if failed.

@Malik Is there a problem when printing the QR in simplified invoices, but when actually sending it to the authority, I create the XML again, but with the same data but with a difference UUID , ICV and Pih ?

There is an invoice hash of each xml and if you add even a dot in the xml it will be different so these are two different documents if you change anything in the xml what is printed same need to be reported within 24 hours. thanks

@Malik thanks ,
Yes, . I will submit it to the authority with the latest changes, but what if I need to edit anything in the invoice after printing it for the customer ?
note : i will print invoice to customer as offline just create xml document and sign it to get Qr Code but not sent it to authority
i will send it after 24 hour but may be change any thing when head office review it

When you print means you have signed xml with you and same you will report to ZATCA so there is no point/posibility you should change this signed xml even if you will add . (dot) it is no more signed copy. thanks

@Malik i will print invoice to customer as offline just create xml document and sign it to get Qr Code but not sent it to authority
i will send it after 24 hour but may be change any thing when head office review it

For any correction you need to use debit note or credit note otherwise your will compromise ZATCA compliance. Thanks

Hi @MGawad

When you send the QR code to the client, it will not be valid until you record this document to ZATCA (report). If you change anything (even a dot), then it will be completely new document and the QR code which you sent to client will be ALWAYS invalid and customer will complain and you will get penalties.

To avoid penalties and if you really need to update document, then you should either void the invoice and submit the new one to ZATCA and then sent it to customer. If you have to do some adjustments in amount/calculations then people are using debit/credit notes for this usually.

Best regards,