User only allowed to use the VAT number that exists in the authentication certificate

Hello ZATCA Community,

I’m encountering an issue while trying to report an invoice using the reportInvoice API. The error message I receive is:

“message”: “User only allowed to use the VAT number that exists in the authentication certificate”

Here’s what I have verified so far:

Production CSIDs: I’m using the production CSIDs for this operation not the compliance CSIDs.

Compliance Check: The compliance check using the same CSIDs works perfectly fine, so the CSIDs seem to be correct.

Certificate Configuration: My certificate configuration includes:

UID equal to my VAT Registration number.

organizationName set to my organization’s name.

Despite these settings, I continue to receive the error. I’m unsure what I might be missing.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue or can offer guidance on what else to check or configure?

Thank you in advance for your support.

Which URL u are using

I tried both

After Compliance single single invoice tests… confirm to send 3 or 6 invoices deffernt types… so after approval for these invoices … you suppose to request for a new CSID … and go for simulation URLs

Thank you for your response.

To clarify, I have already tested the compliance of a single invoice successfully using the compliance CSIDs, and it worked fine. However, when I attempt to report an invoice using the production CSID, I encounter the error: "User only allowed to use the VAT number that exists in the authentication certificate."

From your suggestion, it sounds like I might need to test with multiple invoices (3 or 6 of different types) and receive approval for them before I can proceed to request a new CSID. Could you please confirm if this is indeed the cause of the error I’m encountering?

Additionally, I’m unsure if this step is typically required after successful compliance checks with a single invoice. If the issue lies elsewhere, I would appreciate any further guidance you can provide to resolve this.

Thank you again for your assistance.


That means the sandbox only works with the default certificate and private key included in the SDK.

If you want to try with your own VAT Number, you are advised to enter the simulation environment.

Thank you for the clarification. I understand that the sandbox environment may only work with the default certificate and private key included in the SDK. However, in my implementation, I’m generating all configurations, certificates, and keys independently without using the SDK.

Could you please also clarify what you mean by the “simulation environment”? Is it the URL If so, does this mean I should be using this environment instead of the sandbox when testing with my own VAT number and custom certificates?

I appreciate your guidance on this.

Maybe this post will give you an idea

refer also to this url …steps is mentioned inside

this error is simply that the certificate you are using contains a vat number different from the vat number sent in the xml under accounting supplier party.

you can take the authentication certificate . decode it in base 64 .store the result in a file with extension .crt. open the file and look for additional.details such as alternate name . you will find the vat number in the certificate . make sure that vat number is the same as the one you are sending in the xml