Third Party Invoices on Simulation Portal

We are integrated with Simulation Portal.
When we tried sending a third party type invoice, we received the following error message

Errors: certificate-permissions-CERTIFICATE_ERRORS-User only allowed to use the vat number that exists in the authentication certificate

We tried few times but we were not able to get through this error for third party invoices.

How can I resolve this?

make sure that the VAT number in the submitted CSR is matching the VAT number of the seller in the invoice, please follow the below steps:

1- go to the CSR config, proerties file and check the value of VAT number in the field of “csr.orgnaization.identifier”

2- go to the submitted xml in the seller’s vat number tag:, "cac:AccountingSupplierParty / cac:Party / cac:PartyTaxScheme / cbc:CompanyID

where cac:AccountingSupplierParty / cac:Party / cac:PartyTaxScheme / cac:TaxScheme = VAT"

3- match the above values, the 2 values should be identical, if not identical please fix, if the VAT number in the XML is the required VAT number then either do the following:

• submit the XML with the EGS that linked to the right CSID.


•if you don’t have already an EGS with the right linked CCID, then onboard a new EGS by obtaining a new CSID for this VAT no. (taxpayer), make sure to declare the right VAT number in the CSR config file before the submission of the CSR.

I hope this answers your question, if you have any further questions do not hesitate to reach out.

Dear @Aturkistani , thank you for the clarity. I was wondering if this would not be required in the case of self billed invoices. In self billed invoices, I will have to have the Buyer VAT as the CSR VAT. However, the Seller VAT as in the XML must be a valid VAT but must not be the CSR VAT. Please confirm my understanding

Dear @Aturkistani,

This is confusing because when we ran this check earlier , for third party invoices XML

when the seller VAT in the XML is the VAT as in the CSID we receive an error message.

when the buyer VAT in the XML is the VAT as in the CSID , only of its is a Self Billed Invoice, the XML gets passed.

Please clarify this to us