The provided CSR is invalid

I got the error in simulation mode:
{“errorCode”:“400”,“errorCategory”:“Invalid-CSR”,“errorMessage”:“The provided Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is invalid.”}**
In sanbox all fine.
In production mode getting:

{“requestID”:-2,“tokenType”:null,“dispositionMessage”:“NOT_COMPLIANT”,“binarySecurityToken”:null,“errors”:[“unable to submit and sign the csr in zatca side, caused : Denied by Policy Module”]

POST “simulation” or “core”/production/csids
For simulation PREZATCA-Code-Signing
For Core ZATCA-Code-Signing
… while getting csr

{‘’: ‘TST-2-MYVAT’,
‘’: ‘SA’,
‘’: ‘Food’,
‘csr.invoice.type’: ‘1100’,
‘csr.location.address’: ‘SREETNAME1111’,
‘csr.organization.identifier’: ‘MyVAT’,
‘’: ‘MyName’,
‘’: ‘MyUnitName’,
‘csr.serial.number’: ‘1-MyProviderName|2-V1|3-441c3310-e5f5-4b5e-bc58-727d484db044’}

In case of prod “PRD-2-MYVAT”
All the data where MyName etc… is got from fatoora portal account, except of MyProviderName, I guess it’s free to text field, as uuid in csr.serial.number, generated it by myself and think it is gonna be a saved single variant for all cases which is gonna be onboarded from service.

Samples generated and succefull reported/cleared: 3 for simplified and 3 for standart.

It’s not clear for me what is wrong here. Hoping for some help. Thank you.

Dear @host1k

Thanks for reaching out, Welcome to our community.

To provide comprehensive support as usual, can I kindly ask you to mention the method that you followed to generate the CSR?

Ibrahem Daoud.

Thank you for the answer.
Integration used for python project, so I’m generating all data using the recommendations of project based on python to work with Zatca service.
Here’s the generator which I’m using in this case