I got the error in simulation mode:
{“errorCode”:“400”,“errorCategory”:“Invalid-CSR”,“errorMessage”:“The provided Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is invalid.”}**
In sanbox all fine.
In production mode getting:
{“requestID”:-2,“tokenType”:null,“dispositionMessage”:“NOT_COMPLIANT”,“binarySecurityToken”:null,“errors”:[“unable to submit and sign the csr in zatca side, caused : Denied by Policy Module”]
POST “simulation” or “core”/production/csids
For simulation PREZATCA-Code-Signing
For Core ZATCA-Code-Signing
… while getting csr
{‘csr.common.name’: ‘TST-2-MYVAT’,
‘csr.country.name’: ‘SA’,
‘csr.industry.business.category’: ‘Food’,
‘csr.invoice.type’: ‘1100’,
‘csr.location.address’: ‘SREETNAME1111’,
‘csr.organization.identifier’: ‘MyVAT’,
‘csr.organization.name’: ‘MyName’,
‘csr.organization.unit.name’: ‘MyUnitName’,
‘csr.serial.number’: ‘1-MyProviderName|2-V1|3-441c3310-e5f5-4b5e-bc58-727d484db044’}
In case of prod csr.common.name: “PRD-2-MYVAT”
All the data where MyName etc… is got from fatoora portal account, except of MyProviderName, I guess it’s free to text field, as uuid in csr.serial.number, generated it by myself and think it is gonna be a saved single variant for all cases which is gonna be onboarded from service.
Samples generated and succefull reported/cleared: 3 for simplified and 3 for standart.
It’s not clear for me what is wrong here. Hoping for some help. Thank you.