When we make prepayment invoice (386) contains 1 line with tax category code “S” and document level allowance with tax category code “O”. So, when we make an adjustment invoice (388) of this prepayment invoice will generate -VE value in the legal monetary total => Tax Exclusive Amount and Tax Inclusive Amount fields.
This scenario will generate an error because of the negative values so, how to overcome this issue ?
Dear Paula,
please note that negative values are not allowed in these 2 fields: Tax Exclusive Amount and Tax Inclusive Amount.
but to investigate your issue more please send us here the exact error or BR that is showing the issue.
or please share the invoice with use through the RM.
Dear Kiaziz,
Excuse me may I ask what the RM to share with you the Invoice?
Thank you in advance.
it’s the relationship manager between you and Zatca.
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