Prepayment Tax Calculation

Hello Everyone,

The Prepaid calculation and how it is done through the reference is causing a lot of trouble because the 388 total VAT amount and Taxable amounts are unaffected so, when I extract a report for 386 and 388, showing the taxable amount and VAT as per reported in the XML, before deducting prepayment and hence the report somehow reports inaccurate and overstated VAT.

Can someone advise, from experience, how do you handle it and check it?


from our understanding, if your calculations are correct, the problem you are facing is about innacurate reports details from statstics page, please be aware that our team is working to enhance the statistics page with thier highest efforts.

if you have any dought that your calculations are wrong, please share the invoice & specify all of the necessary details to your relationships manager to raise a support ticket.