Prepayment Adjustments

Kindly confirm when adjusting an invoice with advance invoice the tax amount showing QR will be for the original invoice amount(adjustment not included).

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Please provide your comments on this

Please comment on this case

Dear @mohan_manakkal when you scan QR Code using ZATCA’s Mobile App, screen will not display “VAT Amount”.

Note: Yes VAT Amount in QR Code is from BT-110 which is before advance payment adjustment. QR Code specifications are not amended to avoid a breaking change.

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Please clarify this. Thanks

If we are raising a credit note for an invoice with prepayment adjustment, is it required to specify the advance details?
Or how we can reverse the prepayment adjustment in UBL?

Please share your views @Ankit_Tiwari

@mohan_manakkal recommended approach to reverse an invoice that contains prepayment adjustment is to replicate the invoice and change Invoice Type Code from 388 to 381. However, process may differ depending on integrated business processes such as inventory management and payment postings.