Dear @Hadi , yes you can complete onboarding anytime before the last date of enforcement period. In fact the main purpose of allowing 3 months period is for taxpayers to onboard all their devices gradually in staggered manner. Once you onboard a device on production, all the invoices generated from that device must be sent for Reporting or Clearance. Please make sure there is no testing done on production environment.
Many thanks for your reply and information . couldn’t do any of this without your help .
one last question :
Now we are doing very nice on the simulation enviroment , our documents submissions are getting cleared with no warning , this is the result we get always :
{"validationResults":{"infoMessages":[{"type":"INFO","code":"XSD_ZATCA_VALID","category":"XSD validation","message":"Complied with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications","status":"PASS"}],"warningMessages":[],"errorMessages":[],"status":"PASS"},"clearanceStatus":"CLEARED","clearedInvoice":}
with the cleared invoice encoded of course .
Next we extarct the QR code from the cleared invoice and print it into the document we usually print . also we have the xml files saved in case if a customer asked us to share .
What else should we do ? is the QR code extracted from ZATCA response is enough ? anything else we should consider before moving to production enviroment ?
@Hadi , yes extracting QR code and visualizing it on human readable form is sufficient. Regarding sharing of XML with B2B customer, please note this is a mandatory requirement in Phase 2 to share B2B Cleared invoice electronically either as XML or PDF/A-3 (with embedded XML).