Issue Send Invoice

hi we have this isssue on system before working no issue biut now recived this message

Server returned an unexpected error: {“validationResults”:{“infoMessages”:[{“type”:“INFO”,“code”:“XSD_ZATCA_VALID”,“category”:“XSD validation”,“message”:“Complied with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications”,“status”:“PASS”}],“warningMessages”:,“errorMessages”:[{“type”:“ERROR”,“code”:“BR-KSA-39”,“category”:“KSA”,“message”:“The invoice must contain the seller VAT registration number (BT-31) and/or seller group VAT registration number (KSA-18).”,“status”:“ERROR”}],“status”:“ERROR”},“reportingStatus”:“NOT_REPORTED”}

kindly check

Dear @ahmedmagdy,

Thanks for reaching out.

Kindly note that we have answered a similar issue as per below ticket.

Server returned an unexpected error: {"validationResults - XML and business rules - Fatoora Developer Community

Let us know if you need further support.

Best regards

I am experiencing the same issue. I have made no changes to our system and out VAT registration number is being sent in the XML.

We are facing the same issue since yesterday, before it was working perfectly.
Please advise.

Dear @Dev28,

Kindly can you share the XML file in order for us to check the error? Also, please verify if the VAT number in the XML matches the config file VAT?

Thanks ,

Dear @gccvat12,

Kindly can you check if the VAT number in the XML matches the config file VAT?

If the issue still persists, please send an email to SP via the below mail to ensure comprehensive support as usual.

SP support mail:
