Final answer regarding rejected invoice re-submission

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you,

Regarding the re-submitting of rejected invoices:

  1. When re-submitting invoices, whether they are tax or simplified invoices, should we change the IRN identifier of the invoice, or should we only change the PIH, ICV, and UUID?
  2. Should we change the invoice date to the date of creating the new invoice?
  3. Is there a special method for re-submitting rejected tax invoices that differs from the method for re-submitting rejected simplified invoices? And if so, what is the difference between the two methods?

Please clarify what changes and what does not change when re-submitting .

Dear @Saleh1,

please find the answers below:

Q1- if the invoice got rejected & need to be re-submitted, after fixing errors, ICV & PIH alongside with unique identifers such as UUID & invoice hash should be changed. Invoice reference number (IRN) can remain the same.

Q2- no, the issue date should remain the same as it’s the date of the original transaction when the final tax invoice was issued at

Q3- for re-submitting the rejected invoices, the process for the simplifed tax invoices (B2C) & standard tax invoices (B2B) is the same.

Should you require any further clarifications, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

1- IRN is the same Only (PIH, ICV, and UUID)
2- No … keep original date
3- No … same procedures