[E-Invoice Submission Error] - javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException

Hi all,

Since yesterday my application started to receive the following error from Zatca when I try to issue simplified e-invoices:

javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I’ve tried to search on-line without success and currently using the SDK 3.2.7 version (I don’t know if this can be related)

I also tried to contact Zatca support without success. It’s there anything I should do?

@idaoud could you support on this issue? It is currently blocking all of our submissions in Prod.

Morning @isabelapastorini, @renleal

Thanks for reaching out, Welcome to our community.

To provide comprehensive support as usual, can I kindly ask you to collaborate more with the following:

1- What is the end point that you are hitting?
2- Are you using our SDK tool or you implemented your own solution?
3- Can you provide the steps that you followed until this issue appear?
4- Have you tried samples that was accepted after this issue start appearing, If yes, what was the response?

Ibrahem Daoud.

Hi @idaoud

  1. We’re calling the following endpoints:

  2. Using Zatca SDK (version 3.2.7)

  3. The document got signed and then issued. No changes has been made on our application, abruptly on 20/Nov all the calls to the endpoints above for e-invoice submission started to receive this error message.

  4. We didn’t had any accepted sample after this issue started to happen.

Can you confirm if this can be related to the SDK version or if there was some update in Zatca API?


Thanks for your comprehensive clarification,

Please note that what you mentioned is not related to SDK version update, even though we encourage you to install the latest version of SDK which is 3.3.7 for any business rules changes will be through SDK.

Additionally, since you mentioned that it’s in the 2 APIs (Clerance & Reporting), can you provide 2 samples one for Clerance and one for reporting?

Ibrahem Daoud.

Hi @idaoud,

Do you want the sample of the request or the XML we’ve tried the issue ? (one related to a simplified and the other related to a standard)

@isabelapastorini @renleal can you please try again and update the status here?

Hello Ankit, can you please share the reason for this issue ?

@Sachin.Pathare @isabelapastorini @renleal is it working fine now?

For us it worked yesterday when we included Zatca CA certificate in our certificate store. But we would like to know what change has happened at Zatca’s end to address this issue because we didnt face this issue in last 3 years and all of a sudden it started coming yesterday night.

Sorry for the mistake.

I would like to enforce Sachin request for more details from Zatca about the changes so we can prevent ourselves in the future. Another thing it’s why this didn’t happened in sandbox.

Agree. This issue never occured on Sandbox. That means some certificate replacement activity possibly happened by Zatca team only on PROD. We would also like to highlight that this certificate is going to expire on Jan 2025. Does Zatca expects any action from caller like us to be done on our servers? Kindly let us know the details in advance so we prepare ourselves and our clients are not impacted.

Dears @Sachin.Pathare @isabelapastorini @renleal

Following our internal investigation, I would like to clarify that this issue was entirely internal and has now been resolved. At this point, all that is required from your side is to confirm whether the issue persists or if it has been fully resolved.

Additionally, please note, our recommendation is to use the updated APIs available on the Fatoora portal/Fatoora Simulation portal, you can find the relevant documentation as follows:

  • Production Environment: After accessing Fatoora portal navigate to the APIs documentation that showing all the APIs for (Onboarding APIs, and Core Solution API’s) in production env.

  • Simulation Environment: After accessing Fatoora simulation portal navigate to the APIs documentation that showing all the APIs for (Onboarding APIs, and Core Solution API’s) in simulation env.

Ibrahem Daoud.

Thank you for you support @idaoud . We confirm that the issue has been fully resolved and we are now able to submit documents.

We will also work on upgrading the SDK as recommended (although not related) and checking these updated APIs.

Is there any way we can subscribe to receive notifications about these updates on the APIs or SDK instead of checking the documentation from time to time?

Renato Leal