Device registration is failing on production with an invalid OTP error.
The response obtained is different from the one mentioned in the API contract.
The API contract as per the sandbox API documentation - Zatca
The response that we are getting from ZATCA:
{ “body”: “Invalid OTP”, “code”: 400, “timeInMs”: 79 }
We are unable to capture the response correctly due to the change in response format.
Also please let us know the reason for failure.
On simulation environment device registration is failing with 500 - invalid request during PCSID generation step.
Please help us in debugging and fix the device registration on simulation env.
@kiaziz This is the issue everyone experiencing who integrated with Sandbox first and then migrating to Simulation/Production.
The results for invalid OTP on Simulaiton/Production and Sandbox are different. Could you guys fix it to remove the confusion for everyone, please?
We had exactly the same issue and we decided to handle the error from Simulation/Production only properly, leaving Sandbox“broken” as it does not make sense to support the response which will not be used in production.