CSR form in Arabic language

We are encountering difficulties submitting the CSR form with Arabic names, whereas the English submissions are successful. Could you please confirm if submitting the CSR form in Arabic is permitted? If so, could you provide documentation outlining the onboarding procedure for Arabic CSR forms?

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@shivangi.garg yes text fields in CSR can be submitted in Arabic language. Procedure remains exactly same. Please share error message received

We tried generating CSR using Arabic value “دبليو إس بي الشرق الأوسط وشريكتها الشركة السعودية للاستشارات الهندسية” (Arabic of WSP MIDDLE EAST AND PARTNER SAUDI COMPANY FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING) and we received max length error while generating CSR. Please refer below image.

Note that when we generate CSR for different Arabic value (10 chars length), then values in the certificate summary are not in user readable form. Please refer below image:

Below are the challenges with such unreadable name.

  • Such certificate should be considered valid as per ZATCA or not because that does not contain the same Arabic text that we passed to generate it.
  • We cannot confirm whether the taxpayer will see proper Arabic entity in ZATCA portal or an entity with such unreadable value because we do not have access to taxpayer account.
  • Such unreadable entity name will cause issues if the user needs to revoke the onboarded entity from the ZATCA portal.

This error isn’t because of Arabic, it’s due to long string

the error related that the name is long, if there is issue in display arabic name in FATOORA portal then add -utf8 flag openssl req -new -utf8 .. when generating the CSR

@Ankit_Tiwari Could you please share your views on the above error

@shivangi.garg please try to limit the name to 64 characters as this is maximum character limit for Organization Name as per x509 standard.

Hi @Ankit_Tiwari
Thanks for your response. Arabic company name having 30 to 40 odd characters is working fine.

However, when we tested names with 50 to 60 Arabic characters, they failed to work due to issues with Open SSL. It appears that Open SSL does not recognize Arabic characters in this range, even though it handles 64 English characters without issue. Unfortunately, we cannot control Open SSL’s behaviour.

Please guide.

@shivangi.garg as I understand Arabic characters take 2 bytes. Try using shorter name, this won’t violate any rules as CSR input is only in backend.

@Ankit_Tiwari does it mean we can submit CSR form with short name and issue invoice with complete company name?

@shivangi.garg, yes you can submit short name in CSR. This has no impact on the Seller name to be added in invoice. Both are independent

@Ankit_Tiwari is it also applicable in case of change in name of Company ?

@Manan1 are you referring to Company name in CSR or on XML? As mentioned in earlier post CSR input remains only in backend and therefore Organization Name can be shortened. XML should ideally contain full name of taxpayer. This field in XML can be up to 1000 characters