Arabic Name in .cnf file not generating CSR Request

We are using our company’s regisitered Arabic name in crconfig.cnf file
number of characters for company name 51
Lenght of company name in Notepad++ showing 738

After generating Private and Public key , when issuing following command, we are getting error.

OpenSSL> req -new -sha256 -key PrivateKey.pem -extensions v3_req -config csrconfig.cnf -out csr.csr
problems making Certificate Request
1:error:0D07A097:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_mbstring_ncopy:string too long:a_mbstr.c:158:maxsize=64
error in req

Dear @mjamal ,

if the issue still exists please schedule 1 to 1 meeting with us through the relationship manager and we will be more than happy to help.


Hi Kirollos,

The problem is of Arabic name with more character is still there.

But Maryam advised us to use the English name in .cnf and proceed for onboarding. We onboarded our server on FATOORA pporal.

If you would like to see the issue we can connect on Monday.



Hi Kirollos,

Are you not conducting the Q&A Seminars now.

