Advance Payments- XML Warning

We have an advance payment XML with tax rate O. This einvoice was cleared.

I am adjusting the advance receipt in a sale invoice with items of S, Z and E tax type. I have included the details of the advance receipt in the EInvoice XML of the Sale Invoice. I am returned a warning [BR-O-01]-An Invoice that contains an Invoice line (BG-25), a Document level allowance (BG-20) or a Document level charge (BG-21) where the VAT category code (BT-151 or BT-95 or BT-102) is ‘Not subject to VAT’ shall contain at least one VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with the VAT category code (BT-118) equal to ‘Not subject to VAT’. XML given below.

reporting:1.0 MH-286 a92e8af3-8971-497e-9459-fb3e0b6b5473 2024-07-12 07:26:25Z 388 SAR SAR ICV 171 PIH cSbtLzrZi17aoOo6WxA4u9c/Il7B+3qEP8+z7DI3yn8= QR AQY0TWluYXICDzMwMDQ2Mjk1ODIwMDAwMwMTMjAyNC0wNy0xMlQxMDoyNjoyNQQEMC4wMAUEMC4wMAYsOXJmS3RRaXlyc2VRUG9mRS9YMXlxVHFzaEx4MVpWaEhwcXpVVDQ4K2dNVT0HYE1FUUNJQmJhNzkxbkxOUW1MZG8rekZzNnpoZVNERFlMcm1jZVQ4TU43eTFJK0dyZUFpQUZidC94OVJrMHp1aVBoMzcwaTNBT2h5cWVyTllNQi9vYm04SEt4OXU3MFE9PQhYMFYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEAAoDQgAEQZCjI4Kda9anhVmJPQ92Y/RSXOZ4IavOUqDlHY0i4Rc5+gWZIsNmoTRiOJh29EVEu5U8Ss2kv3s63er5BE0zgA== urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:signature:Invoice urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:dsig:enveloped:xades 9966339 gulzar zarhouse 1234 4567 dist JEDDAH 78956 ksa SA 300462958200003 VAT 4Minar 12345666 ASDSAD ASDSAD 2344 2344 SFEWE JEDDAH 23423 Abha SA 312457878788823 VAT Customer B2B 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 1 50.00 1000.00 0.00 Z 0.00 VATEX-SA-34-5 Any services relating to Goods or passenger transportation, as defined in article twenty five of these Regulations VAT 2000.00 0.00 E 0.00 VATEX-SA-30 Real estate transactions mentioned in Article 30 of the VAT Regulations VAT 1000.00 50.00 S 5.00 VAT 50 4000.00 4000.00 4050.00 0.00 0.00 3000.00 0.00 1050.00 1 1.00 1000.00 false 0 0.00 0.00 1000.00 ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM Z 0.00 VAT 1000.00000 2 2.00 2000.00 false 0 0.00 0.00 2000.00 ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM E 0.00 VAT 1000.00000 3 1.00 1000.00 false 0 0.00 50.00 1050.00 ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM S 15.00 VAT 1000.00000 4 0.00 0.00 AR/SR/11 eba92f9e-febc-4e43-b1f3-36ec0ff89e04 2024-07-05 07:23:59Z 386 0.00 0.00 3000.00 0.00 O 0.00 VAT Prepayment adjustment O 0.00 VAT 0.00

Dear @harishkumar

Thanks for reaching out.

If you provide the XML as attached this will help us to ensure a comprehensive support.


How do I attach the xml file?

Note that Prepayment invoice & Final invoice Must have same Tax Category

Dear @harishkumar

Thanks for reaching out,

Please see the SP emails below:

Or you can send a screenshot for the XML.
