Advance Payments

In our erp system we have sales invoice section and depending on wether the TRN field is filled or not in customer details we issue simplified or standard tax invoice, but what we didn’t understand is advanced payments, are they treated as a separate invoice type / section and issue an advance payment invoice or should we add it as a receipt type select for example: (advance payment or invoices receipt).

Let me reword it: what type of commercial document is it?

Can someone explain what is the correct business workflow for a advanced payments so we are able to implement it correctly.

Any help regarding this is appreciated

386 Prepayment/Advance invoice

adjustment of prepayment will be a separate line with prepayment details in the invoice 388.

first: When you receive money in advance from a customer ( service or goods will be provided in future) … so you will issue a document type 386 …invoice prepayment … with 1 line in details includes description like … advance payment for so an so …
second: when you provide the service or Good … (parthaly or fully) you will issue an Invoice type 388 by the value of the service or good.
in the the XML of this invoice … you will include somthing called “Avdance Adjustements” with part or full amount of invoce type 386.

for more information about prepayments:

for more information about XML prepayments adjustments: