Warning - Rounding

I got warning when shared invoice with the following information:
Amount = 763706.72
TAX = 114556.01

warning message:
VAT category tax amount (BT-117) = VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) x (VAT category rate (BT-119) / 100), rounded to two decimals.&BR-S-09 : The VAT category tax amount (BT-117) in a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where VAT category code (BT-118) is ‘Standard rated’ shall equal the VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) multiplied by the VAT category rate (BT-119).

what is the issue?

don’t round the unit price and quantity

Hi @Yousef ,

Thank you for reaching out.

If you are still facing this problem please reach out to your relationship manager and share with us the invoice so we can investigate more.
