We are having a test scenario as under
Transaction line is Standard Rated
Document discount is Zero Rated
Error received
category : BR_WARNING
**code :**BR-Z-08
message : In a VAT breakdown (BG-23) where the VAT category code (BT-118) is ‘Zero rated’ the VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) shall equal the sum of Invoice line net amounts (BT-131) minus the sum of Document level allowance amounts (BT-92) plus the sum of Document level charge amounts (BT-99) where the VAT category codes (BT-151, BT-95, BT-102) are ‘Zero Rated’.
category : BR_WARNING
**code :**BR-S-08
message : For each different value of VAT category rate (BT-119) where the VAT category code (BT-118) is “Standard Rated”, the VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) shall equal the sum of Invoice line net amounts (BT-131) minus the sum of Document level allowance amounts (BT-92) plus the sum of Document level charge amounts (BT-99) where the VAT category codes (BT-151, BT-95, BT-102) are “Standard Rate“. and the VAT rates (BT-152,BT-96,BT-103) equal the VAT category rate (BT-119)
In the XML file, we are sending this block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:dsig:enveloped:xades urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:signature:1 urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:signature:Invoicesadas not(//ancestor-or-self::ext:UBLExtensions) not(//ancestor-or-self::cac:Signature) not(//ancestor-or-self::cac:AdditionalDocumentReference[cbc:ID='QR']) El9eQMhl+doYwM+6nAxhVS9Rg2pY4f0t5uzSUrnTK4M= 2024-02-20T15:13:29Z MmZhNzliYWRhMTZjYTQwMWRiMDk4NzIwYjFlMmFhNzBlYzM4NmFhODk1YjYyNTgxNmMzMWQzNDE5ZGFlMGQ3OQ== CN=TSZEINVOICE-SubCA-1, DC=extgazt, DC=gov, DC=local 2475382878760965694489209096382389797821381034 reporting:1.0 Test_196 72AA0B18-9927-4790-9472-F2D2F289C204 2024-02-20 15:13:00Z 388 SAR SAR 1\tran 2024 2800001976 ICV 1136 PIH Qw0U94KF87I3bjZNMLwA/0OedAzLATegk4apap7U18A= QR ARlBbCBTYWxhbSBTdXBwbGllcyBDby4gTFREAg8zMTAxNzUzOTc0MDAwMDMDFDIwMjEtMDQtMjVUMTU6MzA6MDBaBAcxMDM1LjAwBQYxMzUuMDAGLER4dUk0cUhEYmpRbXd2V2UwSFgzUDlGdGFIai96VDZjbk1YTmt2ME9PK2M9B7AzMDU2MzAxMDA2MDcyYTg2NDhjZTNkMDIwMTA2MDUyYjgxMDQwMDBhMDM0MjAwMDQ5NmU4YzQ5NDAzZmMwOTQ1YzhmNDAyNThjZGQyZDllOTMwMWE3OTIxMmE5M2E3YzhmZmFkOGVjMmQ4MTVjMjVmMmNiNGRkNWZlNTNmYjhlN2QwYjRhMDI2ZmNhNDU3MjM1MTNkNzdjMGUzMzhlOTE1MTY4ZTUwZDU5NDA0ZGI5NAggsOYvztEiamBqXBLEQ3sNWJ18pBL199ZgjkYhzsbIl2sJIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:signature:Invoice urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:dsig:enveloped:xades 2523256329 Olaya District, Tahlia Road P.O. Box 8931 |P.O. Box 8931 1234 5555 بيانات الاختبار|Riyadh_3 Riyadh|Riyadh 11500 Riyadh_3|Riyadh_3 SA 300075588700003 VAT الشركات|Corporate 1234567891 Riyadh|Riyadh Riyadh|Riyadh 1234 5671 Riyadh|Riyadh Riyadh|Riyadh 15692 SA 300076688700003 VAT Saudi Arabia Oil Company (Saudi Aramco)|Saudi Arabia Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) 2024-02-12 false 1 Handling Commission 1188.90 Z 0.00 VAT 1605.02 10700.10 1605.02 S 15.00 VAT 1188.90 0.00 Z 0.00 VATEX-SA-33 Export of services VAT 1605.02 11889.00 10700.10 12305.12 1188.90 12305.12 1 60.000000 9198.00 1379.70 10577.70 رسوم التأخير|???? ??????? S 15.00 VAT 9198.000 60.000000 2 50.000000 1851.00 277.65 2128.65 رسوم التأخير|???? ??????? S 15.00 VAT 1851.000 50.000000 3 10.000000 840.00 126.00 966.00 رسوم التأخير|???? ??????? S 15.00 VAT 840.000 10.000000Let me know where we are wrong in passing the values
Vivek Kedia