The HTTP status code 100 response code

We receive a response to some invoices “HTTP status code 100” and we cannot resend them.
Previously we were just resending it.
What is the cause of the problem and what is the solution?

Dear @M.serhan

To provide a comprehensive support can you please elaborate more? and what are the steps taking from your end to receive this error?

first time is send

First Response

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable


**second time i send **
Second Response

        "message":"Invoice Hash Previously Submitted",


Dear @M.serhan

Thanks for reaching out, Welcome to our community.

Based on the API response please not that this is new enhancement to prevent the TPs from submitting the same invoice,

This response means that you are trying to submit an invoice you already submitted.

Please find the below thread:
409 status code - Duplicate-Invoice error - Clearance and Reporting - Fatoora Developer Community

Ibrahem Daoud.

what about the first response.
First Response

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable


Dear @M.serhan

Thanks for reaching out,

Please find the below link:

I hope it will answer your concerns

Ibrahem Daoud.