Simplified INvoices for B2C transaction

In Simplified tax invoices of B2C Sales, if the customer is not providing the name, what do we have to send in the XML for the customer name? Since we effect all direct sales of B2C type to the ‘Cash’ account, can we send ‘Cash’ as buyer name?

In Simplified tax invoices of B2C Sales, if the customer is not providing the name, what do not have to send in the XML for the customer name? Since we effect all direct sales of B2C type to the ‘Cash’ account, can we send ‘Cash’ as buyer name?

Based on article 53, a Simplified Tax Invoice must include the following details:

a) the date of issue.

b) the name, address and Tax Identification Number of the Supplier.

c) a description of the Goods or services supplied.

d) the Consideration payable for the Goods or services.

e) the Tax payable or a statement that the Consideration is inclusive of Tax in respect of the Supply of the Goods or services.

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