[SDK Java] Error when validating original Simplified_Invoice.xml

Is this expected? What do I do to remove the errors if this is not normal?

C:\laragon\www\zatca-einvoicing-sdk-238-R3.3.6\zatca-einvoicing-sdk-238-R3.3.6>fatoora -validate -invoice C:\laragon\www\zatca-einvoicing-sdk-238-R3.3.6\zatca-einvoicing-sdk-238-R3.3.6\Data\Samples\Simplified\Invoice\Simplified_Invoice.xml ********** Welcome to ZATCA E-Invoice Java SDK 3.3.6 *********************
This SDK uses Java to call the SDK (jar) passing it an invoice XML file.
It can take a Standard or Simplified XML, Credit Note, or Debit Note.
It returns if the validation is successful or shows errors where the XML validation fails.
It checks for syntax and content as well.
You can use the command (fatoora -help) for more information.

2024-11-20 16:36:48,749 [INFO] ValidationProcessorImpl - [XSD] validation result : PASSED
2024-11-20 16:36:49,555 [INFO] ValidationProcessorImpl - [EN] validation result : PASSED
2024-11-20 16:36:49,887 [INFO] ValidationProcessorImpl - [KSA] validation result : PASSED
2024-11-20 16:36:50,386 [INFO] ValidationProcessorImpl - [QR] validation result : PASSED
2024-11-20 16:36:50,430 [ERROR] ECDSAUtil - Curve not supported: secp256k1 (
2024-11-20 16:36:50,512 [INFO] ValidationProcessorImpl - [SIGNATURE] validation result : FAILED
2024-11-20 16:36:50,512 [ERROR] ValidationProcessorImpl - signature validation errors :
2024-11-20 16:36:50,512 [ERROR] ValidationProcessorImpl - CODE : signatureValue, MESSAGE : wrong signature Value
2024-11-20 16:36:50,515 [INFO] ValidationProcessorImpl - [PIH] validation result : PASSED
2024-11-20 16:36:50,516 [INFO] InvoiceValidationService -  *** GLOBAL VALIDATION RESULT = FAILED

Dear @mohdarafathossain

Thanks for reaching out,

The provided error is related to missing the private key, Can I kindly ask you to elaborate the steps you followed to generate the CSR from your config file?

Additionally, If you can share the config file this will help us to provide comprehensive support as usual.

Ibrahem Daoud.

I just wanted to test out the command of “Signing and Generating Invoice Hash” using the files provided in the SDK using the command:

fatoora -sign -invoice -signedInvoice

Using the original simplified invoice file:


I wanted to see the expected output.

It doesn’t specify that it uses the config file in the documentation


Here is the CSR Config used:

csr.organization.unit.name=Riyadh Branch
csr.organization.name=Maximum Speed Tech Supply LTD
csr.industry.business.category=Supply activities

CSR previously generated gave this as output:


Note: I did get the CSID successfully previously.


What must I do to get rid of the errors? If I am not doing it wrong then please guide me.

Dear @mohdarafathossain

Thanks for your comprehensive clarification of what you are facing, please find the below response:

In order to resolve the pervious error, you need to decode the “binarySecurityToken” and replace it in the cert.pem file following this path in the SDK (zatca-einvoicing-sdk-238-R3.3.6\zatca-einvoicing-sdk-238-R3.3.6\Data\Certificates)
Additionally, replace the private key that generated along when you generate your CSR with the (ec-secp256k1-priv-key.pem) file following the same path.

After following the above solution, you need to sign the invoice with your CCSID and private key before validating it.

Kindly follow the suggested solution and let me know if you need any further support.

Ibrahem Daoud.

By this:

Are you referencing this section:

:black_circle: Adding the Private Key and Certificate:

  1. Replace Data/Certificates/ec-secp256k1-priv-key.pem with your private key using EC
    secp256k1 algorithm without header “-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----” and footer “----
  2. Place yourCertificate generated by ZATCA into Data/Certificates/cert.pem without
    header, footer and without any new lines “\n”.
  3. Once done, now you can sign your xml invoice using your private key and matching it
    on validation with the zatca certificate.

of this doc:


I will come back after doing this as I am confused about the next part that you mention:

The command I see in the same doc in the section Signing and Generating Invoice Hash:

fatoora -sign -invoice <filename> -signedInvoice <filename>

but I don’t see how to sign the invoice using CCSID and private key (using the command or steps in the documentation). Specificly where to put or use the CCSID and private key for Signing.

Dear @mohdarafathossain

Please follow the below steps:

From this response you need to do the following:
1- Decode binarySecurityToken base64, replace it with cert.pem file in the SDK following this path (zatca-einvoicing-sdk-238-R3.3.6\zatca-einvoicing-sdk-238-R3.3.6\Data\Certificates).

2- When you generate the CSR you must received the private key along with the CSR, here comes the second step to replace the private key with the (ec-secp256k1-priv-key.pem) file in the same directory for cert.pem

3- select the invoice you want to sign from the sample you can follow the samples path in the SDK (zatca-einvoicing-sdk-238-R3.3.6\zatca-einvoicing-sdk-238-R3.3.6\Data\Samples\Simplified\Invoice).

4- Open the invoice that you want to sign, and ensure that (cbc:CompanyID) tag under the (cac:AccountingSupplierParty) in the XML match the same VAT, If not replace it with your VAT, and save the changes.

5- Open the CLI from the same directory for the invoice you want to sign.

6- Using the command (fatoora -sign -invoice “the invoice you want to sign”), This command will generate a new signed XML in the same directory.

7- Validate the signed XML using this command (fatoora -validate -invoice “the signed XML”)

After following the previous steps, the SIGNATURE error will disappear, and the validation process will pass successfully.

I hope it’s clear enough now, for any further support do not hesitate to reach out our support team via below mail.

SP support mail: sp_support@zatca.gov.sa

Ibrahem Daoud.

Thank you! You were extremely helpful. I understood the flow. It is working as expected.

1 Like

Hello @idaoud I am using java sdk to generate signed xml. I am using signed document function in the java code.

SigningServiceImpl signingServiceImpl = new SigningServiceImpl();
InvoiceSigningResult signature = signingServiceImpl.signDocument(xmlDocument, privateKey, cert, password);
String signedXML = signature.getSingedXML();
String qrCode = signature.getQrCode();
String invoiceHash = signature.getInvoiceHash();

but receiving
“validationResults”: {
“infoMessages”: [
“type”: “INFO”,
“code”: “XSD_ZATCA_VALID”,
“category”: “XSD validation”,
“message”: “Complied with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications”,
“status”: “PASS”
“warningMessages”: ,
“errorMessages”: [
“type”: “ERROR”,
“code”: “invalid-invoice-hash”,
“message”: “The invoice hash API body does not match the (calculated) Hash of the XML”,
“status”: “ERROR”
“type”: “ERROR”,
“code”: “sellerName_QRCODE_INVALID”,
“category”: “QRCODE_VALIDATION”,
“message”: “seller name does not match with qr code seller name”,
“status”: “ERROR”
“status”: “ERROR”
“reportingStatus”: “NOT_REPORTED”

Dear @Rushi1995

Thanks for reaching out,

To provide comprehensive support, can you collaborate with the below:

1- What is the SDK version that you are using?
2- Did you successfully onboarded and generate your PCSID? if so, on which environment?
3- If you are successfully onboarded, What are the exact steps you followed after receiving the PCSID?

Ibrahem Daoud.

Dear @idaoud, Thank you for the quick response.

I am using zatca-einvoicing-sdk-Java-238-R3.3.9.
I have generated PCSID in simulation environment.
After getting the PCSID,

  1. Decoded the binarySecurityToken
  2. Using the SigningServiceImpl to generate the signed invoice
  3. InvoiceSigningResult signature = signingServiceImpl.signDocument(xmlDocument, {generated privateKey received with the generated CSR not the secret}, {decoded binarySecurityToken}, password);
  4. Using the /e-invoicing/simulation/invoices/reporting/single endpoint to report the invoice
  5. Receiving below response from the service
    “validationResults”: {
    “infoMessages”: [
    “type”: “INFO”,
    “code”: “XSD_ZATCA_VALID”,
    “category”: “XSD validation”,
    “message”: “Complied with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications”,
    “status”: “PASS”
    “warningMessages”: ,
    “errorMessages”: [
    “type”: “ERROR”,
    “code”: “invalid-invoice-hash”,
    “category”: “INVOICE_HASHING_ERRORS”,
    “message”: “The invoice hash API body does not match the (calculated) Hash of the XML”,
    “status”: “ERROR”
    “status”: “ERROR”
    “reportingStatus”: “NOT_REPORTED”

Dear @Rushi1995

Thank you for reaching out & welcome to the community.

The issue you are facing may be due to one of the following reasons:

1. Incorrect Hash Generation for Invoices

• Ensure that the invoice hash is correctly generated before submission.

• Use the following command to generate the hash: fatoora -generateHash -invoice “invoice.xml”

• Replace the first DigestValue in the invoice with the newly generated hash.

2. Incorrect Signing Process for Simplified Invoices

• Simplified invoices must be signed correctly using the taxpayer’s X.509 certificate (CSID).

• There are two X.509 certificates obtained in the onboarding process:

• CCSID (Compliance CSID): Used for signing invoices in the Compliance API.

• PCSID (Production CSID): Used for signing invoices in the Reporting API.

Manual Signing Steps Using ZATCA’s JAVA SDK:

  1. After sending the CSR in the Compliance request CSID API, a BinaryToken & Secret will be returned.

  2. Decode the BinaryToken using Base64 to obtain the X.509 certificate.

  3. Navigate to the SDK directory: SDK/Data/Certificates/Cert.pem

  4. Replace the existing certificate with your obtained X.509 certificate.

  5. Use the following command to sign the invoice: fatoora -sign -invoice “invoice.xml”

  6. Submit the signed invoice to the Compliance API for validation.

  7. Repeat the same process using the PCSID to sign invoices before submitting them to the Reporting API.

For more details on implementing the signing process within your own code, please refer to the SigningProcessUpdated.pdf document.

If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to the below email:


Dear @saalotaibi and @idaoud ,

Thank you so much for your quick response.

I am able to get the correct hash using the fatoora command and the signed invoice and its successfully validated on reporting api.

But when I use
HashingGenerationServiceImpl hashingGenerationServiceImpl = new HashingGenerationServiceImpl();

invoiceHash = hashingGenerationServiceImpl.getInvoiceHash(invoiceXML);

This service still gives incorrect hash

InvoiceXML -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> reporting:1.0 SME00010 8e6000cf-1a98-4174-b3e7-b5d5954bc10d 2022-08-17 17:41:08 388 ABC SAR SAR ICV 10 PIH NWZlY2ViNjZmZmM4NmYzOGQ5NTI3ODZjNmQ2OTZjNzljMmRiYzIzOWRkNGU5MWI0NjcyOWQ3M2EyN2ZiNTdlOQ== 300000771300003 الامير سلطان | Prince Sultan 2322 المربع | Al-Murabba الرياض | Riyadh 23333 SA 300000771300003 VAT صندوق التنمية الزراعية صلاح الدين | Salah Al-Din 1111 المروج | Al-Murooj الرياض | Riyadh 12222 SA 399999999800003 VAT شركة نماذج فاتورة المحدودة | Fatoora Samples LTD 10 false discount 0.00 S 15 VAT S 15 VAT 30.15 30.15 201.00 30.15 S 15.00 VAT 201.00 201.00 231.15 0.00 0.00 231.15 1 33.000000 99.00 14.85 113.85 كتاب S 15.00 VAT 3.00 true discount 0.00 2 3.000000 102.00 15.30 117.30 قلم S 15.00 VAT 34.00 true discount 0.00

Dear @Rushi1995

Thank you for reaching out & welcome to the community.

Our recommendation is following the below steps in the hash & the signed properties tags.

For more details on implementing the signing process within your own code, please refer to the SigningProcessUpdated.pdf document.

Thank you.