if i have invoice with value of 100 and with vat equal 15
Net Value = 115
i want to make payable = 105 and make retention discount with 10 that Does not affect to vat
total value = 100
vat = 15
Retention discount = 10
payable = 105
how to apply retention discount in xml but doesnot effect to vat
@MGawad first you need to determine the tax position whether the retention amount will reduce taxable amount or not. This depends on contractual terms.
If you take a tax position that retention amount will not reduce taxable amount, then you have two options for handling retention amount:
Option 1: Do not include any value towards retention amount and display this directly on the human readable form.
Option 2: Include retention amount as "Document Level Allowance (BT-92) with indicator ‘false’ and select VAT Category Code as Out of scope. Then in the tax subtotals, you have to include one more sub total for Out of scope category and enter retention amount as negative value (-10 in above example). As a result, VAT will be calculated on full invoice value (100 in above example) and Amount due for payment (BT-115) will be 105.
i get this warning
Is it mandatory to add an out-of-scope item?
[warning] CODE: BR-O-01, MESSAGE: An Invoice that contains an Invoice line (BG-25), a Document level allowance (BG-20) where the VAT category code (BT-151 or BT-95) is ‘Not subject to VAT’ shall contain exactly one VAT breakdown group (BG-23) with the VAT category code (BT-118) equal to ‘Not subject to VAT’.
[warning] CODE: BR-S-08, MESSAGE: [BR-S-08]-For each different value of VAT category rate (BT-119) where the VAT category code (BT-118) is “Standard Rated”, the VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) shall equal the sum of Invoice line net amounts (BT-131) minus the sum of Document level allowance amounts (BT-92) plus the sum of Document level charge amounts (BT-99) where the VAT category codes (BT-151, BT-95, BT-102) are “Standard Rate”. and the VAT rates (BT-152,BT-96,BT-103) equal the VAT category rate (BT-119).BR-S-08Business rules - Not subject to VAT (BR-OO)
@MGawad as mentioned in my earlier response, you have to add a tax subtotal for “out of scope” category and populate retention amount value as a negative figure.