QR code is not showing ECDSA signature and public key

We have successfully generated e-invoice, and XML also complies with ZATCA guidelines. But when we scan the QR code, we get only 5 fields, i.e. Seller name, VRN, timestamp, Invoice amount, and tax amount.

But as per the guidelines, Invoice hash, ECDSA signature, and public key should also be a part of the QR code.

Please guide me if the invoice hash and ECDSA are not coming on the QR code then the QR code is valid or not.

Dear Shivangi, Invoice hash, ECDSA signature, and public key is mandatory to be the part of QR code, if it is not in the QR code, then QR code will not be consider as a valid QR for Phase-II. For creating the rest 4 fields of QR code please Follow the SDK.

Hi Sanjay, Thanks for the response. Please confirm once if the QR code scanning result are fine in the attached screenshot.

Dear Shivangi,

Yes, attached screenshot is correct.

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