PIH validation errors

Dears ,

Hope this finds you well .

I keep getting this error when validating my invoices using fatoora SDK :

[INFO] ValidationProcessorImpl - [PIH] validation result : FAILED
[ERROR] ValidationProcessorImpl - pih validation errors :
[ERROR] ValidationProcessorImpl - CODE : KSA-13, MESSAGE : PIH is inValid
[INFO] InvoiceValidationService -  *** GLOBAL VALIDATION RESULT = FAILED

I’m using the standard invoice provided in the sample folder in the SDK \Data\Samples\Standard\Invoice\Standard_Invoice.xml

I Tried modifying the PIH to 0 or to “MA==” (which is the equilivent of 0 in base64 with no luck .

Please advice .

Please note that there is a PIH text file to keep last invoice hash please check if it is there

and for very first invoice your hash should be

where means 0 (zero)

Do i have to keep it?? If i use it as first PIH, what about Second on will be??
thanks in Advance

You need to update the PIH whenever you generate a new invoice, First Invoice PIH will be


and the hash of first invoice will be the PIH of Next invoice.
Invoice 1

Invoice Hash: ZNMSA9pKhIlUDf/Lb5JbS37HIMfYmvRy8SJS41sTKAM=

Invoice 2:
Invoice Hash : 5yfF/cx7h0oe9oESilAGXfyLHMWYJ0ASIzJAjjt9K/o=

Invoice 3 :
Invoice Hash : 268oIbm9asXQXwmM5aDR2poh7kKqgui5BDqNQdhqS0A=
PIH : 5yfF/cx7h0oe9oESilAGXfyLHMWYJ0ASIzJAjjt9K/o=

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@Ather thanks a lot for your information, if the invoice does not have reported what about that?? should i still take next PIH??
I am facing The invoice hash API body does not match the (calculated) Hash of the XML, everytime, How to solve it, Can you help me out??

Which SDK are you using?

If invoice is rejected by ZATCA, then tax payers can fix the
errors and submit the XML just like a new invoice having its own Invoice Counter Value and Hash.

Detailed Guidelines for E-Invoicing

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