Invoice with multiple tax percentages (5% and 15 %) as a sample Keeps getting a warning ("code": "BR-S-08", "category": "EN_16931")

invoice with multiple tax percentages (5% and 15 %) as a sample Keeps getting the following warning:


Please advise


please share with us the invoice through the RM to investigate it more.


Is there an answer on this topic? the BR-S-08 does not seem to deal with the possibility of percent differ for tax category ‘S’.

no it should be working fine, but this warning only means that the taxable amount is not calculated right for each one of them.

so we are asking you to kindly share with us the invoice through the relationship manager so we can investigate it more.


we are also receiving the same warning msg for this use case.

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Hi @kiaziz

We are getting exactly the same issue with multiple Standard Rate taxes having different percentage.

Also similar issue is happening when we have multiple Line Items having Zero Tax rates and different exemption reasons. We are grouping Tax Brakdown by (category, percent and exemption_reason)

Could you please clarify if it is correct way or not? Because the same invoice can have different items with different exemption reasons and you have to support them all and provide proper tax breakdown. Currently it produces the similar warning but with Zero Rate tax category

Best regards,

We also have a similar issue when we try to break down Zero tax rate amount by different reason in the tax subtotals. For me, just using the first tax reason would be counter productive


please use the latest SDK 3.2.6 and if the issue still exists please share with us your invoices through the relationship manager. and we will be more than happy to help and provide you the fix in details.


Hi @kiaziz , we are using self-build in-house solution therefore not tied to SDK.

We would like to know how to properly make a breakdown for multiple Zero or Exempt tax categories which have different exemption reasons.

Or should be exemption reason be only one per document per tax category?

Best regards,

Dear @sergei.shishov ,

you can make different exemption reason for each invoice line in the invoice
without any problems.

Hello @kiaziz ,

The issue we are facing is not for about invoice line item, but when grouping the tax amount summary. It seems it is once per rate. However for the same rate you might have different reason. So the question is should we group them by rate or by reason, and if it is by reason, which reason do we choose for the summary?

Best regards,


I had a similar conversation earlier

Earlier rules mentioned that for each VAT category breakdown ‘exactly one’ tax rate is allowed. However in recent version this is modified as ‘atleast one’ tax rate for a tax category. Though this was supposed to be in force, it was identified that the SDK returns error because of the related validation on doesn’t differentiate which lines foe the tax rate are to be considered for which tax rate. So it is expecting taxable value to be 200 in the VAT category breakdown and if you do so then it will be followed by a chain of miscalculations 1. for VAT amounts for the VAT category breakdown, since you will show 2005% and 20015% respectively. This is how i understoood this scenario at our end and so we havent yet acted on the update that ‘atleast one’ tax rate for each VAT category breakdown.