Invoice Type Transaction to be printed on Invoice print format

As per KSA term ID “KSA-2”, Invoice Type Transactions should be visible in human-readable format. We are printing “Tax Invoice” as a title. Should we print the “01-Tax Invoice” for compliance purposes?

Also, the title is not dynamic based on the transaction type. It is always a tax invoice. Should we change this practice?


Kindly note that the Tax Invoice shall contain some specifications, for more information please check (THE CONTROLS, REQUIREMENTS, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND PROCEDURAL RULES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE PROVISIONS OF THE E-INVOICING REGULATION):

Note: Invoice Type may be Standard or Simplified as the case may be, therefore the first 2 digits can either be 01 or 02 depending on Standard Invoice or Simplified Invoice.
4th position in NNPNESB structure (Term ID KSA-2) will be 1 as rightly mentioned for Nominal Supplies.
For more details please check (11.2 Code lists for coded elements):

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Thanks the document is helpful. There can be 4 types of titles:

  1. Tax Invoice
  2. Simplified Tax Invoice
  3. Credit Note
  4. Debit Note