I am getting error: {“status”:“error”,“message”:“Failed to generate CSR: error:22075075:X509 V3 routines:v2i_GENERAL_NAME_ex:unsupported option”}, When Iam trying to create a CSR manually by php function given below. Please hekp me out. Thank You.
function generateCSR()
// Define your variables
$countryName = “SA”;
$organizationName = “Muhasib”;
$organizationalUnitName = “Riyadh Branch”;
$commonName = “TST-886431145-399999999900003”;
$dirName = “/SN=1-TST|2-TST|3-ed22f1d8-e6a2-1118-9b58-d9a8f11e445f/UID=399999999900003/title=1100/registeredAddress=RRRD2929/businessCategory=Supply activities”;
// Construct the OpenSSL configuration as a string
$opensslConfig = <<<EOD
[ req ]
default_bits = 2048
default_keyfile = privkey.pem
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = v3_req
prompt = no
[ req_distinguished_name ]
C = $countryName
O = $organizationName
OU = $organizationalUnitName
CN = $commonName
[ v3_req ]
subjectAltName = @alt_names
[ alt_names ]
// Save the configuration to a temporary file
$configFilePath = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/openssl.cnf';
file_put_contents($configFilePath, $opensslConfig);
// Check if the file exists
if (!file_exists($configFilePath)) {
echo "Error: Configuration file does not exist at: $configFilePath";
// Check if the file is readable
if (!is_readable($configFilePath)) {
echo "Error: Configuration file is not readable: $configFilePath";
// Check if the directory is accessible
$dirPath = dirname($configFilePath);
if (!is_dir($dirPath) || !is_writable($dirPath)) {
echo "Error: Directory is not writable: $dirPath";
try {
// Generate the private key
$privateKey = openssl_pkey_new([
"private_key_type" => OPENSSL_KEYTYPE_RSA,
"private_key_bits" => 2048,
if ($privateKey === false) {
throw new Exception("Failed to generate private key: " . openssl_error_string());
// CSR details
$csrDetails = [
"commonName" => $commonName,
"countryName" => $countryName,
"organizationName" => $organizationName,
"organizationalUnitName"=> $organizationalUnitName,
// Generate the CSR
$csr = openssl_csr_new($csrDetails, $privateKey, [
"config" => $configFilePath,
if ($csr === false) {
throw new Exception("Failed to generate CSR: " . openssl_error_string());
// Export the CSR and private key
openssl_csr_export($csr, $csrOut);
openssl_pkey_export($privateKey, $privateKeyOut);
// Define file paths for saving the CSR and private key
$resourcesPath = FCPATH . "resources/";
if (!is_dir($resourcesPath)) {
mkdir($resourcesPath, 0755, true);
$csrFilePath = $resourcesPath . "csr.pem";
$privateKeyFilePath = $resourcesPath . "private_key.pem";
file_put_contents($csrFilePath, $csrOut);
file_put_contents($privateKeyFilePath, $privateKeyOut);
// Cleanup the temporary config file
// Return success response
echo json_encode([
"status" => "success",
"csr_file" => $csrFilePath,
"private_key_file" => $privateKeyFilePath,
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Handle exceptions and return error
echo json_encode([
"status" => "error",
"message" => $e->getMessage(),