it will generate the private key with the name I provided but the csr will be generated with the default name
2- To sign the invoices in sdk I should put the path of the certificate in config.json
How can I get my certificate to put it in the sdk to start signing the invoices
for the first command please use it like this: fatoora -sim -csr -csrConfig
also the CSR and private key are not generated with the extension “.pem”
it’s only the certificate which can be found in SDK/Data/Certificates folder.
the certificate used to sign the invoices is the one returned from Production CSID API.
you will get token decode that and put the decoded string in the cert.pem file found in SDK/Data/Certificates and you are ready to sign your invoices.
using command Fatoora -sign -invoice [invoice.xml]
regarding the first point what should I do to generate csr and private key files with custom names like csr and privateKey
in the documentation it says but -privateKey -generatedCsr
if i use them together it will only name the private key (first in order) and will generate the csr with the default name
But there will be more private key if we using as cloud .right ?
so what will be the solution?
how can we find the private key if we dont know the exact name.
while I generate the CSR from sdk with below command
fatoora -sim -csr -csrConfig -generatedCsr MER123_csr.csr -privatekey MER123_private.key
the private key is generated some random number not as we expected.