Contents of XML and PDF/A-3

If we have additional fields and information need to be captured on the PDF/A-3 and not mentioned by ZATCA requirements, is it mandatory to captured in the XML as well?

In other words, should the PDF/A-3 be developed on the top of the XML file or it can be generated from the source system?

@Ankit_Tiwari can you please update.

@Firas If you have additional fields and information that needs to be captured on the PDF/A-3 and not covered in the data dictionary as Mandatory / Optional / Conditional fields, then is it not required to include such fields in the XML.

Thanks for your feedback.

Can you please clarify the intended meaning in the attached paragraph from the document “20230519_ZATCA_Electronic_Invoice_XML_Implementation_Standard_ vF”?

@Firas question is not clear. Please ask a specific question.

Hi @Ankit_Tiwari ,

Referring to ZATCA document “20230519_ZATCA_Electronic_Invoice_XML_Implementation_Standard_ vF” Page#4: “The requirements set out in this document, as per the published resolution, are the minimum set of requirements that must be complied with by suppliers and invoice generators. UBL and the ISO codes have many additional fields that are not included in this document. Suppliers and invoice generators are free to add additional fields when generating invoices, as long as the minimum set of requirements are met.”

As per my understanding, adding additional fields and information on the PDF/A-3 and not covered in the data dictionary, must be captured as well in the XML file according to the UBL 2.1 standards. Is this mandatory or optional please?

Example: the business has to add additional information on the PDF/A-3 according to their nature of business and operation (such as: due date, customer account information, …etc), and these fields are not mentioned by the data dictionary, not adding such these information in the XML will not make the XML accurate and present the complete information of the PDF/A-3.
On the other hand, assume the customer will consider only the XML for auto-capturing the invoice details in their system, in such this case the business will face an issue where the PDF/A-3 information are not completely presented and included in the XML.

Appreciate your feedback.


Appreciate your update.

Dear @Firas there are fields in data dictionary to capture payment due date (field Payment Terms (KSA-22). For other information which is not covered in data dictionary, you may include additional fields in XML subject to conformity with UBL 2.1 requirements.