The ICV is a sequential number assign every composition of Xml document (Inv/CN/DN). The Iinvoice Number is a unique identification of the Invoice.
In our system the Inv, Cn and Dn has its own setup in creating the Invoice Number. The number/reference are created independently from one another. Example the Invoice the number /reference will have 24/INV01. In Credit Note the number will have 24/CN01. In Debit Note the number/reference will have 24/DN01.
You will have to keep a ZATCA master and detail tables which will be independent of your accounting application tables and your master table will have a sequence no auto generated gapless which will be your ICV. Hope now understanding will be better. thanks
Just so I understand the reply clearly in the case of single device/certificate.
The sample data can be treated as master table of document validation with an AutoIndex / ICV. Here, the Accounting Reference are being mix due to the document validation sequence; meaning a user can validate Invoice, followed by Credit Note, another Invoice, another Invoice and so on.
It is fine as for as Accounting to ZATCA tables are reconsilable and then ZATCA master table to ZATCA portal means all is valid there is no gap. Let me share what is called a gap,
in above no 2 was deleted means there is a gap and in ZATCA on no 2 there was reference of 1 as PIH and on 3 PIH of 2 so now chain broken means audit issue. Now if a TAX audit is done will take list of all transactions of your accounting and matching ZATCA reported in your master if all matched then data is not compromised. hope this answers question.