certificate signature does not match with qr certificate signature value for B2C invoice Compliance Check

Hi Team,

Getting the below error for Simplified Invoice, but the Tax invoice are working fine (Compliance phase for Production)

“type”: “ERROR”,
“category”: “QRCODE_VALIDATION”,
“message”: "certificate signature does not match with qr certificate signature value ",
“status”: “ERROR”

Dear @anil.nirwane

Thank you for reaching out & and welcome to the community.

Please refer to the technical guidelines shared by ZATCA. Refer to slide 58 related to QR codes; you can find the link below.

However, based on the error you received, please double-check that you are using the right certificate for the signing process.

Technical guideline: E-invoicing-Detailed-Technical-Guideline.pdf (zatca.gov.sa)

For further support, please don’t hesitate to contact our SP support team.

SP email: sp_support@zatca.gov.sa
