B2C invoices , got X509IssuerName , X509SerialNumber Errors

when i tring to validate B2C Invoices using Website or Fatora Console (SDK)
i got erros
**** [Error] CODE: X509IssuerName, MESSAGE: wrong X509IssuerName
**** [Error] CODE: X509SerialNumber, MESSAGE: wrong X509SerialNumber

but my it’s Reporting without any error or warning

"validationResults": {
    "infoMessages": [
            "type": "INFO",
            "code": "XSD_ZATCA_VALID",
            "category": "XSD validation",
            "message": "Complied with UBL 2.1 standards in line with ZATCA specifications",
            "status": "PASS"
    "warningMessages": [],
    "errorMessages": [],
    "status": "PASS"
"reportingStatus": "REPORTED"

and i have qustion
if i ignore validation proess and just send invoices as (Reporting or Clearance ) successfully , that is will be okay or i must finish validation process first ?

Dear @Kraken007 ,
Thanks for reaching out,

Please install the latest version of SDK version 3.3.7 and ensure that you are using the private key that generated with the CSR to the following path: zatca-einvoicing-sdk-238-R3.3.7\Data\Certificates\ec-secp256k1-priv-key.pem and please ensure to add the DDL
Regarding your question yes you can


the new error foundf after using 3.3.7 when im trying to sign process with same code it’s work in 3.3.6

any advice ?

Dear @Kraken007 ,

Please redo the signing process again

1-After submitting the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) via the Compliance Request CSID API, you will receive a BinaryToken and a secret.
2-Decode the BinaryToken using a base64 decoder. The decoded value will be the x.509 certificate.
3-Navigate to the SDK directory: SDK/Data/Certificates/Cert.pem.
4-Replace the contents of the Cert.pem file with the x.509 certificate obtained from the decoded BinaryToken.
5-Insert the newly generated private key into the ec-secp256k1-priv-key.pem file.
6-if you use JAVA SDK, run the following command: fatoora -sign -invoice “invoice.xml”.
else the .Net SDK, run the following command: fatooranet sign -invoice “invoice.xml”
7-The invoice will now be signed and can be successfully submitted during the compliance checks phase via the Compliance Invoice API.
8-Repeat the above steps using the returned PCSID from the third API in the onboarding process, sign your simplified tax invoices, and submit them to the Reporting API. Ensure the returned Binary Token is decoded using a base64 decoder, and the certificate is updated at


dear halrashidy
why you asking me to use Fatora console and update cert path to use it ?

i need to use .net SDK (by C# code) without use Fatora console (CMD Function)
this steps this okay i did it by ZATCA SDK
1-After submitting the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) via the Compliance Request CSID API, you will receive a BinaryToken and a secret.
2-Decode the BinaryToken using a base64 decoder. The decoded value will be the x.509 certificate.

i want to do other steps using SDK 3.3.7 not (Fatora Test APP)
i used 3.3.0 without big problem just same one error is
**** [Error] CODE: X509IssuerName, MESSAGE: wrong X509IssuerName
**** [Error] CODE: X509SerialNumber, MESSAGE: wrong X509SerialNumber