[Help] Warning/Error with mulitple items in simplified invoice

Dear @mohdarafathossain

Thanks for reaching out,

Please note that the XML you provide does not comply with UBL2.1 standard as it’s contains XSD error when we validate it from our side, As @Ankit_Tiwari mentioned kindly install the latest version of SDK navigate to this path
(zatca-einvoicing-sdk-Java-238-R3.3.9\Data\Samples) to find the samples provide by ZATCA and comply with UBL2.1 standard,
However, regarding to your concerns about BR-S-08, after reviewing your XML it’s appear that it’s contains the below:

  • 3 InvoiceLine with S 15% VAT category.
  • In document level you have 2 TaxSubtotal for the same S VAT category.

Now since you don’t have any discount or charges on the Document level, the reason for getting the warning is that you are separating TaxSubtotal for each line Item with the same VAT, But As per the rule discerption taxable amount (BT-116) shall equal the “sum” of Invoice line net amounts (BT-131) , until the end of the rule
So in your case you need to delete one of the TaxSubtotal and ensure that the remaining one achieving the correct calculation, to make it easy it shoud be like the below:

        <cbc:TaxableAmount currencyID="SAR">6255.00</cbc:TaxableAmount>
        <cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="SAR">938.25</cbc:TaxAmount>
            <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="6" schemeID="UN/ECE 5305">S</cbc:ID>                
                <cbc:ID schemeAgencyID="6" schemeID="UN/ECE 5153">VAT</cbc:ID>

Please let me know if you faced any further concerns,

Ibrahem Daoud